Gym Trends 2024: 5 Trends Boutique Fitness Studios Need to Know

gym lifting weights

The boutique fitness industry is constantly changing, and it's our job as studio owners to decide when to lean into a trend and when to double down on what you're already great at. As we step into 2024, we're hearing of new trends and a continuing shift in the industry. Of the 17,000 people surveyed, 75% said they believe wellness is "more important than ever," and an active lifestyle remains a top priority for people around the world. Despite economic uncertainties, consumers continue to increase their spending on health and wellness. That's all good news, but let's explore other insights from the 2023 Mindbody Wellness Index and IHRSA Year-End report so your studio is ready for the 2024 fitness trends.

Fitness as Wellness

In every study, article, and industry report I've read over the last month, the common thread is that aesthetic fitness goals are losing traction to the desire just to be healthier, feel better, and live longer. 30% of consumers say that their primary reason for exercising is longevity. We're just not seeing six-pack size zero dreams in fitness marketing like we used to (can I get an amen?). There's been a steady push in the media and on social media about long-term feel-good wellness, meaning the kind that sets you up for a long, healthy life rather than the kind that makes you feel less than, or like you've been hit by a bus for three days afterward. 

What does that mean for your studio? If you're not preaching the psychological and physiological sides of exercise- the kind you can't see in a mirror- you're missing the boat. If your gym does offer incredible gains in the mirror, great! But go beyond that in your marketing. BODYROK CEO Jakob Irion was interviewed about the shift in the industry and what that means for a fitness model that was designed around tough workouts. They're pivoting their brand after their recent member poll showed a majority of their clients wanted less impact and more strength. "People are thinking more about the long-term and aren't going quite as hard or beating up their bodies as much as they used to." Analyze your offerings and consider surveying your clients as well. 

2024 trend: wellness coach in a fitness studio

Well-Rounded Wellness

It's crucial for your studio's member retention to recognize that clients are seeking more than just physical gains. 2024 gym-goers are looking for a well-rounded wellness experience that supports their physical goals as well as their emotional, mental, and holistic wellness. If you haven't yet, it's time to explore the integration of mindfulness practices, meditation, and wellness workshops into your array of offerings.

Consider collaborating with health and wellness coaches to develop partnerships to offer personalized wellness coaching in studio. Create an environment where clients can nurture their overall well-being, whether through classes, workshops, or seminars. Enlisting dedicated professionals to assist clients in setting and attaining holistic health goals can truly elevate their fitness journey, enhancing their experience and bolstering retention rates.

As an industry, we've moved past the era of segregating physical fitness from mental and emotional wellness. The prevailing trend in 2024 revolves around seamlessly weaving these elements into a unified experience that uplevels your offerings overall. Think about your studio's strengths. Where do you need to outsource or partner? 

Nutritionists, health coaches, and mental health experts can provide a well-rounded approach to your client's wellness journey. By partnering or creating integrated packages that combine tailored fitness plans with wellness support, you transform your studio into a holistic haven for comprehensive well-being. This shift aligns perfectly with our client-centric and community-oriented approach, fostering a sense of trust and authenticity among your fitness community.

Strength Training Takes Over

Strength training has always been popular, and that popularity is continuing to grow. I don't know if you've noticed, but strength training is a buzzword amongst the Instagram FitPros. Of course, we would never rewrite our business plans around influencer opinions, but we do care if your target client is also noticing the hype. According to Amber Burke, Vice President of Franchise Operations at Burn Boot Camp, "Strength training will become the main focus for people who participate in fitness continuously." 

Your client is repeatedly hearing about (and possibly experiencing) the benefits of strength training, including improved mobility, cognitive function, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease. But what stands out the most is its potential to contribute to a longer and healthier life. With more than 60% of Americans either planning to or already incorporating weight or strength training into their routines, it's evident that people are recognizing the importance of strength training as they aim for longevity. 

If you already offer strength classes, make sure you're highlighting them in your marketing. If your classes aren't what people think of as "strength training" but provide similar results, double down on your education campaigns. If strength training doesn't fit in your studio, emphasize how your classes contribute to recovery and overall wellness in your clients' lives. You don't need to (and shouldn't) totally redesign your studio based on trending styles since they're constantly evolving, but you do want to speak to those who are listening in a way that makes them want to come in. 

boutique fitness studio community

Community, Community, Community

At IHRSA last year, there was an entire forum on community building in gyms- it's also what I spoke about to a packed room. Community has always been at the heart of wellness, and in 2024, it will play an even more significant role. Salons, barbershops, spas, and anyone with a wellness/health/fitness label are expected to host more community-building events. Over 60% of consumers have attended or expressed interest in attending events at wellness businesses, and we're seeing brands strategize community building in their programming where it never was before. Last year, we repeatedly heard about the "third space," and although that was technically a 2023 trend, it isn't going away.

As a boutique fitness studio owner, you can tap into this trend by fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, but you can't just phone it in. Don't rest on this one. Make sure community building is an active part of your brand focus in order to cultivate a clientele that sees you as more than just a workout. Aim for one event a month and consider organizing studio community activities, mixers, or philanthropies to strengthen the sense of "togetherness" among your clients. And don't forget that rule of seven. 

Temperature Trends

Good news to all of you with red beds and saunas. I've seen this firsthand as three of my 25 studios added one or the other this year alone. Temperature therapies are set to gain popularity in 2024, with consumers showing interest in combining cold and heat therapies for wellness benefits. These therapies are not just about immediate comfort but also long-term advantages like stress management, pain reduction, and improved recovery. So, should you rebuild your studio or put a down payment on a red light therapy bed? That depends on your long-term goals and finances, but if you do have one or want to add it, make sure you're marketing it like crazy because it's trending on search engines.

The wellness trends for 2024 are promising for boutique fitness studios since the big brands have a difficult time pivoting and truly embodying their community promises. By incorporating these trends into your offerings and maintaining a strong sense of community, studios can continue to thrive and support their clients in their pursuit of a healthier and happier life. Here's to your best year yet. 


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